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A Smart Gateway to India…You’ll love it!

The Top 6 Longest Railway Platforms of India

Indian Railway is the life line of the nation, covers each nook and corner of the country and connects almost every city via the largest network of rail which makes it one of the world’s largest railway network. Railways of India has divided into several zones and listed its name for world’s longest railway platforms as Gorakhpur Railway Station,Kollam Junction Kerala and Kharagpur railway Platform of West Bengal.

Gorakhpur Railway Station, Uttar Pradesh

Gorakhpur Railway Station is very important junction of Northern Indian railway and became the world’s Longest Railway platform with a length of 1,366. m.

Kollam Junction, Kerala

Kollam Junction railway station is the second longest Railway Platforms of India with an length of 1,180.5 m and second largest railway station in Kerala in terms of area after Shoranur Junction.

Kharagpur Railway Platform, West Bengal

Kharagpur Junction railway station is the third longest railway platform in India, located in the state of West Bengal and length is 1,072.5 m.

Bilaspur Railway Station, Chhattisgarh

Bilaspur Railway Station has 4th longest railway platform in India after Gorakhpur,Kollam and Kharagpur with length of 802 m, located in Chhattisgarh and it is busiest station of Chhattisgarh state.

Jhansi Junction, Uttar Pradesh

Jhansi Junction railway station is a major railway junction,intercity hub and a technical stoppage for many superfast trains in India for Delhi-Chennai and Delhi-Mumbai line. Lenght of Jhansi railway station is 770 m.

Sonepur Railway Station, Bihar

Sonpur railway station is listed as one of the top 5 longest railway platform in India with lenght of 738 m and known for India’s longest road-cum-rail bridge, Ganga Rail-Road Bridge, was underway on the banks on the Ganges and famous for hosting one of the largest cattle fair in the world. Image Source: sonepur-mela.blogspo

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