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Take Your Love Life to Sweet New Heights: Secrets for Enjoying the Sensuality of Food

Secrets for Enjoying the Sensuality of Food

Thanks to the proliferation of outrageously popular TV food shows, Americans have grown to appreciate the aesthetics of a meal almost as much as its flavor. We’ve discovered our chefs are artists as well as cooks and bakers, and their colorful salads and abstract chocolate sculptures are works of art as well as good things to eat.

Good Vibrations Rates Greenness of Sex Toys

You recycle, buy organic produce, and have energy efficient appliances, so why stop when it comes to greening your bedroom? Good Vibrations has developed the Ecorotic® rating system to make choosing your next favorite vibe easier than ever. The rating system breaks down the categories of importance and simplifies your choices.

Body-safe: Sex toys are made from many different materials, with varying amounts of information available about them, and many have not been tested for safety. We always choose better-quality items, and we give special attention to those we know to be safer.

Animal product-free: You might be surprised at how many products contain animal products. You can be sure that items that earn this leaf aren’t made with any.

Rechargeable: Toys that can be recharged reduce the number of batteries that end up in landfill. We also encourage you to use rechargeable batteries if your favorite vibrator operates using disposables.

Natural ingredients: More products, especially lubricants, are being made from natural ingredients. Less processing and fewer artificial materials means more ecorotic

Recyclable packaging/materials: When the package and/or material for your toy can be recycled, you can reduce the impact of your purchase on the environment.

Made in the USA: Many sex toy and products are produced overseas. Choosing one that’s manufactured and assembled in the United States reduces shipping and has a lower carbon footprint.

Secrets for Enjoying the Sensuality of Food

Incorporate food in your love life, he says, and you’ll discover the sublime.

► Choose fresh, natural, organic foods: Sexy food still has the taste nature gave it, and there’s no better choice than organic food because it’s grown with love. A farmer’s market is a great place to shop because you can touch and smell the produce.

► Watch out for food allergies – even if you don’t plan to eat the food:If you’re planning a sensual meal for your lover as a surprise, be aware of any food allergies or sensitivities he or she may have. Also, foods can cause irritation, burning or rashes when placed on the skin, if a person has a sensitivity. This can be especially true for certain delicate body parts.

► Bring your lover on your food-shopping excursion: View it as a bit of sensual foreplay. You can have a lot of fun caressing and gently squeezing the foods, and inhaling their aromas. The conversation should be entertaining, too.

► Taste the sensuality of the food while you and your partner eat: This sounds obvious, but it’s not. Seduce your senses by breathing in the aroma of the dish. Close your eyes and inhale slowly so you can analyze and take in the ingredients. Take a small bite, roll the food around your tongue and in your mouth and make small sounds of pleasure. You might feel ridiculous, but it’s fun, especially on a romantic date.

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