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The Miracles Of Shirdi Sai Baba

Sai Baba of Shirdi is held in high regard across India, irrespective of religion. He is a popular saint who preached the message of one God. His teachings combined both the elements of Hinduism and Islam.

This is the reason why Sai Baba is highly popular among both Hindus and Muslims.

Sai Baba is known for His many miracles. There are many stories related to Sai Baba of Shirdi. The popular miracles of Sai Baba include levitation, mindreading, exorcisms, lighting lamps with water, giving Darshan to His devotees in the form of Rama, Krishna or Vithoba.
Though the miracles are only a part of the oral tradition yet the devotees have a firm belief in these miracles.

Let us take a look at the popular miracles of Sai Baba:

Lighting Lamps With Water

Before Sai Baba became a popular saint. He had to struggle a lot with the mindset of people. An example of this is when Sai Baba lit lamps with water. Sai Baba was fond of lighting lamps in the Masjid every evening. Since He was only a fakir, He did not have enough money to buy oil. He depended on the merchants for their generosity.

Once the merchants became tired of giving oil to Sai Baba free of cost. So, they lied that they do not have stocks to donate the oil. Sai Baba did not complain. He went to the masjid and lit the lamps with water and the lamps went on burning till midnight.

Premonition Of Burning Fields

Once after the harvesting at Shirdi, the food grains of the entire village was stored in a yard. It was summer and the heat was sweltering. Sai Baba summoned one of the villagers and told him that the food grains were on fire. The villager frantically ran towards the field but could not find any sign of fire. He went back to Baba and said that there was no sign of fire. So, Sai Baba told him to go back and miraculouslya sheaf of corn was indeed on fire.

These were a few miracles of Shirdi Sai Baba which people believe in and worship Him for better life and prosperity.

Stopping the Rain

There goes a story that one Rao Bahadur Moreshwar Pradhan s wife had come for Sai Baba's darshan. As the couple was about to leave, it began to rain heavily with thunder and lightening. Seeing the Pradhan couple in trouble, Saibaba invoked the God and asked the rain to calm down, which surely did and the Pradhan were able to reach their destination safely.

Raising the Water Level in Well

When Sai Baba first came to Shirdi it had of no basic facilities. There was a well put only in name, with no natural spring water. Villagers had tough time fetching water from a distance. When the villagers were to celebrate Baba's birthday on Ramnavami, there was obviously crisis of water in the region. But Saibaba with his miracles had solution for this problem as well. He showered some leaves into the well and lo and behold the level of water rose fulfilling the dire wish of the villagers.

Saving a Child from Drowning

Once a 3-year-old daughter of a poor man named Babu Kirwandikar had fallen into a well and got drowned. When the villagers rushed to the well, they found to their utter disbelief that the child was suspended in midair as if some invisible hand was holding her. This again was one of the many miracles of Saibaba that saved people from distress.

Flow of Godavari (river) from Baba's Feet

As recounted by Das Ganu, one of the disciples of Shri Saibaba, once he sought permission from Baba to visit a place called Singba on the banks of Godavari to have a holy bath. Saibaba refused and said what was the use of going that distance when Godavari was right under his feet. Das was puzzled. Realizing the doubt in Das's mind Saibaba asked him to come closer and hold the hollow of his palms at Baba's feet. As soon as he did so water flowed freely out of the toes of the master's feet and filled the hollow of Das Ganu's palms in no time. His joy knew no limits. He sprinkled the water on his head and his body and distributed some more among the assembled devotees as tirtha (holy water).

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