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Four Great Lakes of Kumaon Hills in Uttarakhand State

The 4 great lakes of Kumaon hills in Uttarakhand called the Lake District, Kumaon is one of the two regions of Uttarakhand. The mountainous division of Kumaon is one of the most beautiful territories on the planet earth and consists of a large Himalayan tract along with two submontane strips called the Terai and the Bhabhar.

Nainital Lake

Nainital Lake

Nainital Lake is kidney shaped natural freshwater body and is one of the four famous Lakes of Kumaon hills in the Nainital district. The lake and the surroundings are rich in flora,Aqua fauna and Avifauna, also offers panoramic view of seven hills.



Bhimtal Lake is the largest lake in the only real lake district of India and there is an island at the centre of the lake. The lake famous for picturesque island and lakeside weekend getaway in Uttarakhand.



Naukuchiatal lake of Kumaon Hills is also known as lake of nine corners and is the deepest of all the lakes in the Nainital region. The lake is surrounded by hills covered in trees and shrubs and the enchanting valley offers one with the tempting challenges like paragliding, fishing, rowing, paddling or yachting.

Sat Tal

Sat Tal

Sattal or Sat Tal lake means seven lakes is an interconnected group of seven freshwater lakes near Bhimtal. The lakes situated at an altitude of 1370 metres below in the Mehragaon valley of the Lower Himalayan Range and paradise for migratory birds.

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