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Amrapali: The most beautiful woman in the world history

Photos of Amrapali

Photos of Amrapali

Amrapali Photo as shown in movie poster Style 1

Photos of Amrapali

Amrapali Photographs in Jaipur Gem and Jewelry show

Photos of Amrapali

Amrapali Photo as shown in movie poster Style 2

Who was Amrapali?

Amrapali of Vaishali democracy (Presently in Bihar state) in ancient India was the most beautiful woman of the world. She was the best in the league of most beautiful women in the world likes of Cleopatra, Monalisa and Nefratiti. She is the all time best. She is the only woman in the history who had been forced to prostitution by state order.

Amrapali was born in Vaishali, the ancient democratic state of India to an unknown parents. Some one found her beneath a mango tree. He and her wife adopted her as their daughter. Mango is Amra in Sanskrit language thus she was named Amrapali.

She had grown up to her youth with a magnificent look. She had a milk like white skin, her lips were as red as pomegranate, her chicks were like the roses, she had a nose like a parrot, she had a lotus eye, her neck was long as crane. Her legs and hands were long and slim. Her fingers were like the brush of an artist. Her naval was compared with the depth of a lake. There are tons of description of herbeauty in ancient and medieval Sanskrit texts.

No doubt, she was the most beautiful woman of the world. As she stepped into her youth people of Vaishali state became crazy of her. Every body wanted to marry her. Her beauty made the city mad.

People started coming with proposals to her parents. The Lords, merchants, senators, generals of army everyone had only one wish.....get Amrapali. Her parents were perturbed with flooded proposals. They could not decide anything about her marriage.

The poor fellows, what could they do? If they decide in favor of anyone others would be angry and could create problem for them. Her beauty became her greatest enemy.

Amrapali Movie 1966

"Sacrifice of Amrapali to save unity of Vaishali, her country

Vaishali was a democracy in ancient India. The parliament of Vaishali was also informed of the same. Members of the democratic parliament sat to discuss over the issue. There was a real threat to the democracy and the nation in this issue. They aw danger while viewing with foresight. They discussed and debated a long. Every member put his own view. After long sessions they came with an unanimous decision.

Parliament of Vaishali took a unique and historical decision. It decided to make her a prostitute. It was dangerous to hand over Amrapali to any one. Others would not accept it easily. It wouldbreak the unity of Vaishali, the most powerful democracy of ancient India.

Amrapali was forced to be a Nagar (city) Vadhu (wife) that means a prostitute, by order of Parliament. She sacrificed her wishes, her married and family life in order to save unity of her country.

Unique!!! Her sacrifice was.

Everybody was then permitted to meet with and to make love with her. She was not only the most beautiful but also an expert in dance and music. She entertained Lords and mass, rich and poor, braves and cowards, everyone.

Vyjayantimala and Sunil Dutt in Amrapali

Amrapali and Emperor Shrenik

Fragrance of her beauty, her art, her intelligence and skill in dance and music spread crossing borders of her state.

Shrenik, the bhambhasara, Emperor of powerful Magadha (Presently in Bihar state in India) dynasty was attracted to her. As Vaishali was an enemy of Magadha, it was difficult for him to come and meet with her. But he found himself unable to resist from meeting this heavenly beauty of Vaishali. He came to Vaishali in a disguise and made love with Amrapali.

Emperor Shrenik offered Amrapali to make her Empress of Magadha. Amrapali denied to be her Empress because she knew that her state Vaishali would never accept it. This marriage could trigger a battle between two powerful dynasties the mighty Magadha and the brave Vaishali. Being refused Shrenika came back broken heart to his capital Rajagriha. Later on, Ajatshatru also loved and wanted to marry her. He was son of emperor Shrenik who became emperor of Magadh killing his father.

Amrapali was not mentally satisfied in spite of comfort and luxury provided by the state. She never liked to be a prostitute. She hated this life. She wanted to live a normal peaceful life.

Amrapali Full movie HD

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