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Inspiring Characteristics Of Karna In Mahabharata

Karna In Mahabharata

Karna was one of the most unfortunate characters in the epic story of Mahabharata. Regardless of his bad luck and fight with fortune, he proved to all that he was a real man. His principles hold good even to this day.

Karna In Mahabharata

Throughout his life, Karna only believed in his “Karma”. He lived his life with courage and confidence in himself. He faced all the odds of his fortune with virtue and valour.

This unbeatable warrior of Mahabharata is famous for his numerous virtues. He's believed to be one of the most important characters in the epic that can teach us few golden morals in life.

The characteristics of Karna in Mahabharata teach people how to fight all the odds of life with patience, determination and courage.

Following are the 7 inspiring characteristics of Karna in Mahabharata.

Have a look at these characteristics that can help us deal with life in a better way

The Most Powerful Man

Karna In Mahabharata

One of the 7 inspiring characteristics of Karna in Mahabharata is that he was the most powerful character among all the men in Mahabharata. He was stronger than Arjuna and even Arjuna could not vanquish him without help.

In the battle of Kurukshetra, Indra and Sri Krishna helped Pandavas to execute Karna. Krishna became Arjuna's charioteer, whereas Indra snatched the armour from Karna to clear the path for Arjuna.


Karna In Mahabharata

Karna is famous for his generosity and this is also one of the most important characteristics of Karna in Mahabharata. The Son of Surya, Karna, was born with an armour and golden earrings, which protected him and made him unconquerable.

Indra knew this and he disguised himself as a Brahmin and went to Karna and asked him to give his armour and earrings.

Karna removed his armour from his body at once and gave it to Indra along with his earrings. Being surprised at Karna's generosity, Indra offered Karna his unbeatable weapon named "Shakti".

A Great Archer

Karna In Mahabharata

Another most vital quality among the 7 inspiring characteristics of Karna in Mahabharata is that he was a great archer. Karna was actually a better archer than Arjuna.


Karna In Mahabharata

Karna never refused for any kind of a donation or gift, no matter how costly it was. While Karna was on his death bed, Surya and Lord Indra disguised themselves as beggars and asked Karna for some charity.

Respect For Kunti

Karna In Mahabharata

Just before the battle of Kurukshetra, Kunti went to Karna to reveal the truth that she was his real mother. Being the eldest among the Pandavas, Karna deserved to be the king, so Kunti asked Karna to join Pandavas in the battle.

Karna didn't want to deceive Duryodhana who was his friend. So he promised Kunti that he won't slaughter any of the Pandavas in the battle except Arjuna.

A Man Of Morals

Karna In Mahabharata

Sri Krishna also asked Karna to leave Duryodhana and join Pandavas. He even offered Karna the entire kingdom as well as Draupadi. However, Karna still stuck to his values and never ditched Duryodhana for material profits. This incident proves that Karna was a man of values, which is one of the best among the 7 inspiring characteristics of Karna in Mahabharata.

Karna Had All The Qualities Of Pandavas

Karna In Mahabharata

Karna was intelligent, had moral values, was a great archer, was powerful and handsome. These qualities were distributed among the five Pandavas.

Sahadeva was known for his intelligence, Yudhishtira was famous for his moral values, Arjuna was a great archer, Bheema was physically strong and Nakula was physically attractive. Karna possessed all of these qualities in him.

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