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33 Facts About Indian Navy From Its History To Future Ambitions

1. The Indian Navy was officially formed in 1830 when the colonial navy became known as Her Majesty’s Indian Navy.


Although naval history of India dates back thousands of years into the Chola dynasty.

2. The Royal Indian Navy mutiny was a rebellion by 20,000 Indian sailors in 1946 against the British policies of discrimination and trial of ex-INA soldiers.


But it did not receive support from either INC or Muslim League, and, therefore, failed.

3. Vice Admiral Ram Dass Katari was the first Indian to assume office as the Chief of Staff of the Indian Navy on April 22, 1958.


4. The first action of the Indian Navy was against the Portuguese Navy during the liberation of Goa in 1961.


It was the Operation Vijay of the Navy.

5. Indian Navy was at its best during the the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971.


Under the command of Admiral Sardarilal Mathradas Nanda, the navy successfully enforced a naval blockade of West and East Pakistan.

6. On December 4, the Indian Navy launched Operation Trident and attacked the Pakistan Naval Headquarters in Karachi sinking a minesweeper, a destroyer and an ammunition supply ship.


The attack also destroyed oil storage tanks at the Karachi port. This day is celebrated as Navy Day. It was followed by Operation Python on December 8, 1971.

7. The Indian Navy also conducted three international operations.


One to protect Seychelles from an armed coup and two to defend Maldives from coups both at the request of elected governments of the two countries.

8. The Indian Navy launched Operation Talwar during the Kargil War as part of the larger Operation Vijay.


Marine commandos fought alongside Indian army in the Himalayas. This was, however, kept classified for sometime.

9. The first aircraft carrier of the Indian Navy was INS Vikrant.


10. It was Lt. Cdr. M.S. Kohli of the Indian Navy who led the country’s first successful expedition to Mount Everest in 1965 by any military officer.


Kohli (R) with BN Mullick, father of Indian intelligence.

11. The first Indian to receive a permanent commission was sub-Lieutenant D.N. Mukerji.


12. The current strength of the Indian Navy stands at 58, 350 active personnel, 181 ships and 213 aircraft.


13. The Indian Navy currently has two aircraft carriers: INS Viraat and INS Vikramaditya.


It is the only navy in the world after US to have more than one aircraft carrier.

14. There are 9 destroyers, 15 frigates, one nuclear-powered attack submarine, 14 conventionally-powered attack submarines, 25 corvettes in operation with the Indian Navy.


15. The largest naval academy in Asia, INS Zamorin at Ezhimala, is operated by Indian Navy.


16. The Indian Navy has an air arm, which operates MiG 29Ks and Sea Harrier jets from the two aircraft carriers besides a host of helicopters for both defence and rescue missions.


17. MARCOS is the special commando force raised by the Indian Navy for counter-terrorism, direct action, recon and rescue missions.


MARCOS have successfully carried out some of the most remarkable missions for the Navy including 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks.

18. The Indian Navy is the principal user of the BRAHMOS supersonic cruise missile.


19. The Navy has its own satellite, the ISRO-built GSAT-7, which has enhanced its maritime capabilities manifold.


20. The Indian Navy has been playing a key role in humanitarian operations as was seen during Operation Rahat and evacuation of Indian nationals from Libya and Aden.


India has received worldwide praise for her Navy’s active role in humanitarian missions.

21. Indian Navy ensign (the flag) still incorporates the St. George’s Cross design, the flag of England.


The Indian National Emblem with the words Satyameva Jayate are at the centre of the cross.

22. Most of Indian Navy ships and submarines are manufactured indigenously.


23. Indian Navy expects to be a force of 150 ships and 500 aircrafts by 2027.


24. It will be acquiring its first indigenously manufactured aircraft carrier INS Vikrant probably by 2018.


Though the number of the carriers will stand at two because INS Viraat will be decommissioned next year.

25. India will have its first supercarrier in INS Vishal by 2025.


An artist’s impression of INS Vishal. Note the flat take-off deck.

26. A naval air station is in the pipeline for INS Kadamba, one of the largest Indian Naval bases located in Karwar.


27. Five ships will be acquired by the Indian Navy each year over the next 10 years.


28. The Indian Navy will continue to be the most powerful naval force in the entire Indian Ocean region, Bay of Bengal, and Arabian Sea due to its modernization drive.


29. The Navy is upgrading its fleet with stealth ships such as Kamorta-class cruisers and Visakhapatnam-class destroyer.


30. Under Project 17-A, the Indian Navy will be building seven Shivalik-class stealth frigates armed to the teeth.


It will be the most powerful frigate in all of Indian Ocean region.

31. Barak 8 missile, a surface-to-air missile being developed by India and Israel, will be used from Indian Navy ships.


32. The navy is building up its submarine strength. It will have at least one Arihant-class and one Kalvari-class (Scorpene) submarine next year.


At least 15 more to be in service by 2025.

33. For the first time ever the US will be assisting the India in joint development of aircraft carriers for the Indian Navy.


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