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Export Credit Guarantee Corporation of India Limited (ECGC)

The Corporation was established in 1957 as the Export Risk Insurance Corporation of India Ltd. Keeping in view the wider role played by the Corporation, the name was changed to Export Credit Guarantee Corporation of India Ltd. (ECGC). ECGC is the premier organization in the country which offers credit risk insurance cover to exporters, banks, etc. The primary objective of the Corporation is to promote country’s exports by covering the risk of export on credit. It provides: (a) a range of insurance covers to Indian exporters against the risk of non-realization of export proceeds due to commercial or political causes and (b) different types of guarantees to banks and other financial institutions to enable them to extend credit facilities to exporters on liberal basis.

Address : Express Tower, 10thFloor, P.B.No. 373,Nariman Point ,MUMBAI-400021.
Telephone : (022) 6659 0500, (022) 6659 0510
Fax : (022)6659 0517/0546
Website : http://www.ecgcindia.com

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