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Student Visa - Study in india

Student Visa -  Study in india

Student India has become a recognized center for education today and a large number of students come to India from countries like Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Ethiopia, Fiji, Hong Kong, Iran, Iraq, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Ghana, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mauritius, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Syria.

India has always been recognized for its first class primary education, Indian students excel in subjects such as mathematics where most American students appear to be lacking.

Higher level studies abroad were always considered better in the past and Indian students, those who could afford to do so went abroad for higher level studies.

Things have changed now though, Indian universities are also turning out first class students who are even being hired from University campuses by foreign companies around the Globe.

Reasons to Study in India

So why are students attracted to India from abroad? It is not only that some consider the quality of education in India better but many countries have political and social issues that force parents to send their children to study in India.

As the English language is spoken and understood around India it makes it easier for foreign students to study in India.

Compared to many other countries the tuition fees are still considered to be low in India. Even climate wise India is a winner. Many excellent schools are located in the scenic cities where there is usually no commercial industry and pollution levels unheard of. Indian educational qualifications are also now being recognized all over the world.

Student Visa : Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1 Can foreign students study in India?

A. Yes, they can.

Q.2 Can foreign students come on Tourist Visa to explore admission in some courses/institutes and get Student Visa while in India?

A. No. In order to enable the foreign students to explore various options to study in India, he/she can apply for provisional Student Visa of 6 months duration from Indian Mission abroad and once he/she gets the confirmed admission while in India, he/she can apply for a Student Visa to the local FRRO/FRO along with necessary documentary evidences of confirmed admission, financial standing etc.

Q.3 Can foreign students get a Student Visa directly from Indian Missions abroad?

A. Yes, they can provided they have confirmed admission to a course in a reputed/recognized institute in India.

Q.4 What is the duration of Student Visa?

A. Student Visa can be of 5 years or for the duration of the course whichever is earlier.

Q.5 What are the formalities that foreign students should do on arrival?

A. Foreign students holding Student Visa of more than 180 days are required to register himself/herself with the local FRRO/FRO within 14 days of arrival.

Q.6 Is there any restriction on the number of courses that a foreign student can pursue?

A. No. However, the overall band of the Student Visa regime cannot exceed more than 5 years.

Q.7 Can a foreign student change the course or institute or both while in India?

A. Yes, but with the permission of the local FRRO/FRO and the Institute(s) concerned and subject to no adverse activity.

Q.8 Is any approval/NOC required from any other Ministry or Department for technical courses?

A. So far as admission to diploma/degree/post-graduate degree in engineering and Technology, Architecture & Town Planning, Pharmacy, Applied Arts, MBA, MCA, Hotel Management & Catering Technology are concerned, there is no requirement of NOC from MHRD. However, with respect to courses in medical or para-military courses, NOC from M/o Health will be required.

Q.9 Can Student Visa be extended on the ground of clearing supplementaries?

A. Yes, provided the concerned university/institute permits and suitable documentary evidences to this effect are submitted to the local FRRO/FRO.

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