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Vacation Packing List for Kids

Vacation fun for kids can start with the prospect of packing their own bags. However, most children, especially first-time travelers, will need some supervision to make sure they arrive at their destination with everything they need. Helping kids make a master list they can work from will give them the opportunity to think through the process. Once the list is made, give each child his or her own bag to pack and keep the checklist inside to use for repacking before the trip home.


Assuming no one plans to do laundry during a weeklong vacation, kids should pack eight shirts or tops, several pairs of pants (and/or skirts) along with a sufficient amount of underwear and socks. It’s a good idea to bring both lightweight and heavier-weight pajamas no matter the weather. If a fancy-dress event is in store (a family wedding or a trip to the ballet, for example) consider packing those dressier clothes in a parent’s bag. Unless the family is heading for cold weather, a light waterproof jacket and a hooded sweatshirt should suffice for outerwear.


Comfortable sneakers that give good support are important for kids who are going to be doing a lot of sightseeing. And because jumping in puddles is an irresistible activity for some kids, an extra pair of shoes while on vacation is a must. Consider bringing along a pair of boots if the child is going to be involved in a lot of outdoor activities. Beach shoes can serve triple duty when worn around the pool or at the beach, as bedroom slippers, and in the shower.

Comfort Items

Travel may be an adventure, but for kids the feeling of comfort and security will enhance their experience. Taking along a nightlight and a flashlight can help reduce bedtime jitters along with a favorite stuffed animal; younger kids may even want to pack a favorite blanket. Let kids pack a few juice boxes, packages of dried fruit and granola bars for those times when they can’t quite make it to the next meal or they can’t find anything they like on the menu.


Since not every moment of a vacation is filled with activities, kids can include some entertainment in their suitcase. Include a few books, a small drawing pad and pack of markers, a puzzle book, playing cards, a collapsible Frisbee, and other items to keep them occupied during downtimes. Of course, older kids will want to take their favorite electronic devices, so make sure you include chargers or extra batteries.


Kids might enjoy packing up their own airline-approved plastic bag of shampoo and other bathroom items. Packing a swimming suit and beach towel in a plastic bag is a good idea so that the bag can later be used for the wet suit. If children are old enough to use a camera, pack it along with an extra memory card; other kids might enjoy preserving their memories in a small journal with unlined pages in which they can either write or draw.

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